4 min readAug 25, 2021

~~ Death Is a Doorway ~~

~~ Ever since I had an immensely Life-transforming near-death experience,

when I was 22 years old, I have beheld spiritual visitations of both humans

and animals, and angelic “wise teacher guides,” from the realms of an After-

Life…. These visions would happen so often, that I actually thought they hap-

pened to everyone, all the time?…. It took several years for me to realize, that

these gifts of psychic~spiritual “sixth sense” were a clear after-effect from my

near-death experience…. And I have become able to discern a true visitation,

from regular dreams, most of the time…. The visitations are very distinct,

very real, often very personal, highly symbolic, and very much a surprise ~

and they never fade away, as most dreams do….

~~ And because I have felt closer to animals than to humans, for much of my

life, some of my most vivid visitations have come from pet cats…. They have

all been very powerful, but I will tell you about the two visitations that came

from my 19-year-old cat Brandee, who passed away in April of 2013…. After

she passed from natural causes, my 16-year-old cat Shiatzu would not eat for

a few days, and was very depressed…. I had never seen one of my cats grieve

so deeply…. And then about five months later, I was sleeping in my bed one

night, when I suddenly awoke, to see and feel Brandee jumping up on my

shoulder, (as she often did, when she was here on Earth), and she was so

very happy to see me! ~ This was a miraculous visitation, and I remember

thinking, “She is really still alive! ~ Wow, I wonder if anyone would be-

lieve me….” And then only a few months later, Shiatzu also passed away,

from kidney failure…. I had recently taken in two rescued kitten sisters,

Gracey and Blessy, and they were about 3 months old, at that time….

They would stay in my bedroom with me at night, and then around 4 or

5 in the morning, they would start running around the room like little

children, until I arose to let them out the door….

~~ One morning, my “spirit” woke up, and I saw them cavorting around

the room, as usual, but there were atleast two other cats with them!? ~

This must have been a “hypnopompic” state between sleeping and waking,

and when I stood to pick up one of the cats, I was amazed to see that it

was Brandee, once again! ~ Even though the room was somewhat dark,

I remember looking closely at her fur, and feeling it with my hands…. It

was the same deep brownish-black color, and very fluffy, as it had been

when she was younger…. And then I was startled when she let out her

familiar little shy meow, because I had almost forgotten what it sounded

like, and nobody wants to forget those precious and very unique qualities

of our loved ones…. I knew she was truly there, and I began to miss her

all over again, as the visitation slowly dispersed…. Perhaps this could

also be called a “lucid dream,” because I felt that I had physically exper-

ienced it all, along with my consciousness, and my “spirit body”….

~~ Afterwards, I pondered why I had only seen Brandee, but not

Shiatzu?…. Yet I realized that Shiatzu could have very well been there

also, and maybe it was too soon for me to see her?…. I should explain

too, that both Brandee and Shiatzu had been very dependent upon me,

more so than any other cats I have adopted, ever since they were rescued

from abandonment (Shiatzu from a window well, not long after her

birth~ and Brandee from an animal~shelter, at one year old)…. I could

rarely ever spend a night away from home, because Brandee would be~

come traumatized, with her fear of abandonment….

~~ But I have been blessed with pure memorable visitations of all my

cats, even many years after they have passed over ~ and I honestly

have no doubts, that Life continues after death…. I have learned that

death is often like walking through a doorway, into another room, or

another realm ~ and I have walked through that doorway myself….

I am forever thankful to have come back, to this current life on Earth….

~~ I have not told many people about these interdimensional experi-

ences…. and when I do, some people believe they are just very nice

dreams…. But I know the truth, and I pray that more people (as well

as animals) can have Divinely-given visitations like these, to compre-

hend for certain, that Life and Love can never fully die…. And even

when we do seem to “die” ~ our spirits shall always arise….


Deep Thinker, Empath, Spiritual, Animal Rights, Researcher, Prayer Warrior, Compassion and Survivor Advocate, Songwriter, Mystic of all Faiths, Light Worker~~